As I mentioned before, one of the first things I had to do was to locate a facility for our office. Well, we finally got the keys to the place today. It was a stressful task, and now all the stress over finding a place will be traded in for all the stress over furnishing the place. Yeegads.
Which brings me to the first item: My wife and I drove to Holland, MI to get some office furniture. We ended up bringing home six, $700 chairs ... for which we paid only $99 each. Rock!
Side Note: On the way back, we stopped at My Buddy Ronn's new apartment in Grand Rapids. He's got some pretty nice digs -- roomy place, view of a huge pond, and handy bike paths -- all for less than I paid 15 years ago in Ypsilanti for a smaller pad. Rock!
One other hat I have to wear is Marketing Guru. I've already posted the business card I put together based on the graphic firm's design, but this time I had to do something I've thought about, but never really done before. I had to create an ad for our company, to appear in the October issue of Linux+DVD magazine.
I fretted over this night after night, coming up with slogans, reading about how to create a print ad, and just generally stressing out. But on the way back from Grand Rapids, My wife and I chatted about it and generated an ad that could blossom into a full-on campaign (or at least a series of connected ads). It's by no means professional, but compared to some of the ads I've seen, it's not half bad.
In any case, here's the final product, after multiple tweaks (including dropping the clip art and hand-drawing the silhouettes). Check it out:

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