I've been having pain in my left heel for a few days now ... about a week or so. When I wake up, it's excruciating. If I stretch out my calf, it goes down, but it comes back if I'm inactive for any length of time.
My wife's stepfather had a strange issue that was similar. He had pains in the bottom of his foot, but when he saw the doctor, they x-rayed and found that he had several broken bones in the top of his foot. I didn't think that this was my issue, but I started to have concerns as it continued day after day.
The other day I had a bit much to drink, and the next morning it was the worst of all. I began to think it might be gout, as I understand alcohol exacerbates the issue. I started thinking that perhaps having a broken foot wouldn't be so bad -- I'd rather have a cast or whatever for a short time over having a lifetime of gout pain.
Well, I thought I might just need to see a doctor to find out, but I don't really have one, so my wife emailed a friend of ours that is a doctor to get a referral. My wife described my issue and here's the response:
Classic plantar fasciitis. Pain starts on back of heel or under heel on bottom of foot. Usually it is classified by bottom of foot anterior portion of heel bone, stiffens up overnight and once he starts walking on it it naturally stretches out. I had that for awhile, mine was from shoeware, (lack of good arch supports). There are many causes including heel spur. If that is all it is tell him to try antiinflam for a week round the clock. Stretch three times a day and look at the shoes he has been wearing. May need new pair or pair with better arch supports.
Well. This is exactly my issue.
She rounded out the message with this comment:
(Tell him I am not really impressed. I thought it was something a little trickier. HAHA)
I am excited to have such a mundane and easily treatable issue over the alternatives. *WHEW*
By the way, I did tell her that the pain only comes when I'm walking in a Westerly direction while whistling the theme to West Side Story.
When you're a Jet, you're a Jet.
There you go.
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