I had been thinking about getting a laptop for quite a while, and when the opportunity came up, I snagged it. It came from a friend of one of my mothers-in-law, up there in the Buffalo. It was slightly used by this fella's son, who was told the one he got wouldn't work and he'd need to get a new one. Consequently, it had already been opened up and used a bit, but on the other hand, he discounted it quite a bit.
It's a MacBook Pro.
Here's a shot of it with me writing this post:

I'd wanted to get a Mac for a while. I put together a new PC in '06 or early '07, but it's a monstrous desktop job with a fan that sounds like a jet engine. That was my fault, but in any case, I've been tired of fighting with Windows and dealing with the crap surrounding it. And with all the muckety muck surrounding Vista, I just didn't want to continue down that road. So I gave it some thought.
I figured out that what I use the computer for the most is:
- Doing research on the web
- Writing in word processors
- Email (mostly on the web)
- Reading books &/or watching movies
- Backing up my DVDs
- and, uh ... I dunno.
So what this all means, is that the things that make a PC more useful versus the Macintosh are not things that I do with any great frequency.
Add to that the fact that I wanted to increase my facility with the Mac OS, and you've pretty much eliminated any reasons not to get a Mac.
So I got one. I've had it for about three months now, so much of the crazy first impressions have faded, but over the next few days I'll try to put down in words my experience with the thing. I'll tell you the things I like about it, the things I don't like, the things I absolutely loathe, as well as the things I love.
Plus, I'll tell you about some of the cool things I've discovered that make the Mac -- a relatively nice machine with a reasonably functional interface -- into a powerhouse of fancy computing ecstasy.
Stay tuned!